In this tutorial, I will explain how to use Git to contribute to open source projects🎉.

Github and Open Source

When I started using Github , i was messed up with all the commands clone,push,commit etc . I wasted lot of time watching different videos , reading blogs but none of them helped out :/ So , I decided to write one blog that will help the beginners to start with their favourite projects on github❤

What is Github?

GitHub is a Git repository hosting service, but it adds many of its own features. While Git is a command line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface.

Now,without wasting more time take a look at this simplest guide for git âś”


Download git for Windows-

Download git for Linux-

Download git for OSX-

Step 1:

Fork your own copy of the project to which you want to contribute.

Forked copy of original project

On the right corner of the project , you will see the fork button. This step will create a new copy of the project that will be owned by you .

After fork , you will see yourUserName/ProjectName as new repository in your profile .You will get something like this after fork-

Step 2:

Clone the project on which you want to work.In GitBash(in desired directory), write clone command.

Usage : git clone url

url- Clone url from forked copy of the original project.

Clone Url

Step 3:

After clone , open the project in suitable IDE like Android Studio , Sublime.Now you can make desired changes in the forked copy on your editor . Always work on a new branch and don’t mess up the master branch.

To create a new branch- git branch branchname

To shift to new branch- git checkout branchname

To check all the available branches- git branch

Step 4:

After making changes in the forked copy , You can check the modified files using the command- git status

To add all the changed files — git add -A

To add specific file — git add filename

Step 5:

Commit all the changes using the command —

git commit -m”commit_message”

Step 6:

Push all the commited files using the command —

git push origin branchname

Step 7:

Now you have done some changes in your forked copy of original project 🎉

To tell the author of the original project about changes you made you need to do is Make a pull request . How to do that ?

All you need to do is click on the New Pull Request button on left side of the github page .

Pull Request

And Congratulations! You have created your first Pull request :)

Want to try all above steps on a Project for Trial to have a clear idea of the process? No worries!

Try your hand at this project : (If you don’t understand the code , try making some changes in UI itself , I will soon update the README of the file )

Participate in one of the best Open Source Program BOSS ( Bountiful Open Source Summer ) organised by Coding Blocks , which i believe is one of the best institute for Programming Courses not only in Delhi but all over India đź’Ż

Perks Of Joining Coding Blocks ?

  1. CB organises very fruitful events for coders / programmers e.g BOSS (my personal favourite event by CB) , HackerBlocks , CodeSule and many more . Best part is that they provide you with variety of swags from MacBook to oppoPhone and much more 🎉
Coding Blocks

2. Coding Blocks conduct Regular Hiring Sessions during the course as well as after completion of course .

That’s all! I hope you enjoyed reading. Please 👏 (clap) and share if you find this post useful .